Lovecraft Valentwe'en: Mr.Bubbles; Tobias B. Seaworthy
Created in Clip Art Studio, Digital painting piece printed on Premium Glossy Photo paper , 11 x 14 with frame and mat.
Currently in the Lovecraft Valentwe'en exhibition by Brandy Stark in St. Pete Art Loft Gallery, until the end of the month. Please pay for the piece here (online) and grab it at the exhibition. Thank you for your support and purchase.
Created in Clip Art Studio, Digital painting piece printed on Premium Glossy Photo paper , 11 x 14 with frame and mat.
Currently in the Lovecraft Valentwe'en exhibition by Brandy Stark in St. Pete Art Loft Gallery, until the end of the month. Please pay for the piece here (online) and grab it at the exhibition. Thank you for your support and purchase.
Created in Clip Art Studio, Digital painting piece printed on Premium Glossy Photo paper , 11 x 14 with frame and mat.
Currently in the Lovecraft Valentwe'en exhibition by Brandy Stark in St. Pete Art Loft Gallery, until the end of the month. Please pay for the piece here (online) and grab it at the exhibition. Thank you for your support and purchase.